Professional Physiotherapy Services

Explore our comprehensive range of professional physiotherapy services at Atrium Physiotherapy.  The benefits of our services tailored to enhance your well-being.


Our physiotherapists are highly-educated experts in physical function, movement and mobility. They have advanced knowledge of how the human body moves and what stops it moving and use specialized hands-on treatment to restore, maintain and maximize optimal function and quality of life. Get the best service at our physiotherapy clinic.

Our physiotherapists assists, diagnose and treat physical symptoms and limited movement caused by injury, aging, disability, or medical condition. They help patients understand what’s causing their condition, and work with them to restore, maintain and maximize movement, flexibility and physical independence.
Physiotherapy knee treatment
acupuncture treatment

IMS/Dry Needling

Dry Needling is a valuable, effective and efficient adjunct treatment to inactivate myofascial trigger points. It is an invasive procedure in which a thin solid filament sterile needle is used. 

Dry Needling involves insertion and repetitive manipulation of the needle in the myofascial trigger point. The purpose of this technique is to inactivate the myofascial trigger points by producing a local twitch response. This local twitch response then releases the shortened bands of muscle fibers. 

The result is muscle relaxation and pain relief. Eliciting this local twitch response is important for successful deactivation of the trigger point. No medication of any kind is injected. Inactivation of the trigger points can bring immediate relief of symptoms.


Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine involving the insertion of ultra-fine needles into specific points of the skin. These points of energy are located along 14 meridians, or channels, that cover the entire body. Using modern techniques, contemporary medical acupuncture is able to precisely stimulate nerves to modulate pain and other dysfunctions.

Whether there is a presence of a medical condition or not, everybody can benefit from acupuncture due to its homeostatic effects, which help the body regain balance and function at a more optimal level.

acupuncture treatment
physiotherapy treatment

Graston Technique ®

Graston technique is a form of instrument-assisted or augmented soft tissue mobilization (ASTM) that enables practitioners to improve scar tissue, fascial restrictions and range of motion. The theory behind this IASTM technique is that by using a tool to introduce microtrauma into an area of excessive scarring and/or soft tissue fibrosis, an inflammatory response will occur. In a 2017 Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation study, the authors describe that “Such inflammation restarts the healing process by removing the scar tissue and releasing adhesions, while also increasing blood and nutrient supply to the injured area and migration of fibroblasts.” (1b)

Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression is a non-surgical and drug-free answer for disc related problems of the lumbar or cervical spine. Many people across the country and around the world have found relief from the pain associated with herniated discs, bulging discs, facet syndrome, degenerative joint disease, pinched nerves, and other spinal afflictions from decompression therapy. Spinal Disc Decompression uses computer-aided technology to apply gentle, non-surgical decompression to your spine which increases circulation into the spinal discs and joints, thus helping to relieve the symptoms that cause pain and dysfunction.

back pain treatment
laser treatment

Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy uses red and infrared light for the relief of pain, to accelerate healing and decrease inflammation. When the light source is placed against the skin, the photons penetrate several centimeters and get absorbed by the mitochondria, the energy producing part of a cell. This energy fuels many positive physiological responses resulting in the restoration of normal cell morphology and function. Laser Therapy has been successfully used to treat a broad range of medical conditions, including musculoskeletal problems, arthritis, sports injuries, post-surgical wounds, diabetic ulcers and dermatological conditions.


 KT Tape® is applied along muscles, ligaments, and tendons (soft tissue) to provide a lightweight, external support that helps you remain active while recovering from injuries.*

When an area of the body is injured through impact or over-use, the lymphatic fluid builds up causing inflammation and swelling. This accumulation of lymphatic fluids may cause increased pressure on muscles and tissue which can cause significant discomfort or pain*.

It is believed that when applied correctly, KT Tape lifts the skin, decompressing the layers of fascia, allowing for greater movement of lymphatic fluid which transports white blood cells throughout the body and removes waste products, cellular debris, and bacteria.

shoulder treatment
back massage

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy involves gentle hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of your body. Therapeutic massage focuses on your muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints. Atrium Physiotherapy Registered Massage Therapists manipulate your muscles and other soft tissues of the body with varying degrees of pressure and movement. This helps to relieve pain and tension. If done soon enough after accidents involving trauma and injury, massage can greatly reduce the development of painful muscular patterning.

Cupping Therapy

Hot cupping is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage

back pain treatment
back treatment

Hot Stone Massage

Combining hot stone protocols with a full body massage provides a very healing and effective experience. The hot stones also expand blood vessels, which encourages blood flow throughout the body. The hot stones have a sedative effect that can relieve chronic pain, reduce stress and promote deep relaxation.

A hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy. It’s used to help you relax and ease tense muscles and damaged soft tissues throughout your body.

During a hot stone massage, smooth, flat, heated stones are placed on specific parts of your body. The stones are usually made of basalt, a type of volcanic rock that retains heat. According to the University of New Hampshire Health Services, hot massage stones are heated to between 130 and 145 degrees.

Custom Crafted Orthotics

An orthotic is a supportive device which is placed inside footwear, to change the mechanical function of the foot. It works dynamically during weight-bearing activities like walking, running and standing. Ideally, it should provide full, custom and corrected arch contact so that the foot works in a biomechanically correct way. At Atrium Physiotherapy we offer Custom Crafted Orthotics, calibrated to flex for your weight and foot type.

physiotherapy specialist
neck pain treatment

MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident)

A personal injury from auto accident trauma is common, but sometimes severe. An injury caused by Motor Vehicle Accident may result in lost work time, and cause difficulties in dealing with day-to-day responsibilities. After you’ve been injured in a crash, it’s vital to get physiotherapy as quickly as possible. Many times, the effects of an auto injury are delayed or subtle. Seek medical advice as quickly as possible to ensure you are adequately treated and protected for the future.

WCB Alberta

Workplace injuries are a common problem. Atrium Physiotherapy offers programs that provide workplace injury rehabilitation.

Atrium Physiotherapy focus on an active injury approach to promote healing, improve active range of motion, restore muscle strength and endurance and restore function, to facilitate early and safe return to work. Whether your workplace injury has occurred from an accident or from overuse, you will find Atrium Physiotherapy programs helpful to:

physiotherapy services
insurance policy

Private Insurance Claims

For individuals who has extended health insurance through their employer or their spouse’s employer , we can do direct on-line billing for Private insurance companies such as Alberta Blue Cross ,and Great West Life.

If your plan is based on re-embarrassment , we do accept Debit, Visa and Master Card . We will provide you with an official receipt to submit to your private insurance .

Our office manager will provide you with the necessary claim forms , and help you filling out the form to accelerate submitting your claim.


Active release technique (ART) treats your body’s soft tissue by combining manipulation and movement. The technique’s been around for more than 30 years.

ART entails identifying, isolating, and targeting the affected area to break up scar tissue. This promotes blood flow and faster healing of injuries.

 It was first used by Dr. P. Michael Leahy, a chiropractor, to treat soft tissue disorders in elite athletes and has since been used to treat millions of people.

legs massage
injury recovery

Vestibular Rehabilitations

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), an inner ear problem, is the most common cause of vertigo. We can normally correct the condition in 1-3 treatments.

Vestibular rehabilitation is a proven treatment for dizziness and balance problems and is highly effective for all age groups.

The vestibular system includes the parts of your inner ear that sense your head position and movement, the nerve pathways that carry that information to your brain, and the parts of the brain that process it.

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Pelvic floor physiotherapy help women rehabilitate their pelvic floor muscles. These muscles can be weakened by childbirth, surgery, heavy lifting, being overweight, constipation or menopause. The pelvic floor muscles support the womb (uterus), bladder and bowel (colon), forming a ‘sling’ from the pubic bone at the front to the tailbone at the back. If the muscles are weak, this can affect bladder and bowel control, resulting in incontinence (leakage) or prolapse.

pregnant treatment
physiotherapy specialist

Shockwave Therapy

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (SWT) is a modality used for the treatment of a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, primarily applied to chronic conditions, particularly those affecting medium to large sized tendons and their insertions on bone such as:

• Plantar fasciitis.

• Achilles tendinopathy.

• Retrocalcaneal bursitis.

• Lateral epicondylosis (tennis elbow).

• Medial epicondylosis (golfer’s elbow).

• Calcific tendonitis (supraspinatus tendon, etc.).

• Morton’s neuroma.

• Chronic stress/non-union fractures.

Our Satisfied Customer


Atrium Physiotherapy has been a gamechanger for me. The personalized care and attention to detail from their experienced team made my recovery not just effective but surprisingly pleasant.

John D. Client

I can't recommend Atrium Physiotherapy enough! The licensed therapists here are not only skilled but genuinely caring. The tailored treatments has significantly improved my quality of life.

Sarah L. Client

The therapists at Atrium Physiotherapy are exceptional. Their commitment to evidence-based techniques and cutting-edge therapies truly sets them apart.

Emily R. Client

Services at Atrium Physiotherapy

At Atrium Physiotherapy, our dedicated team of physiotherapists is committed to helping you regain control over your physical well-being. We understand that every patient is unique, and that’s why we create customized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. Our goal is to empower you to restore, maintain, or maximize your movement, reduce pain, and effectively manage chronic symptoms.

What We Treat

Our physiotherapists have expertise in treating a wide range of conditions. Whether you’re dealing with back pain or injury, whiplash, muscle and joint issues related to pregnancy, urinary incontinence, vertigo, arthritis, or chronic pain, we’re here to offer effective solutions. We focus on providing relief and improving quality of life, especially for those who have tried other methods such as prescription medication or are considering more invasive options like surgery.

Our Approach

We believe in the power of personalized care. Our approach combines therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, and various other treatment techniques to address your specific concerns. This individualized method not only helps in alleviating immediate discomfort but also contributes to long-term physical independence and improved lifestyle.

Your First Visit

Your journey to recovery with us begins with a comprehensive assessment. On your first visit, which lasts about 30-45 minutes, you’ll be asked to complete some paperwork and provide your medical history. Your physiotherapist will then conduct a detailed examination. This includes understanding where and how your problem started, its impact on your daily activities, and any past medical history or medications you’re taking.

The physical examination will cover:


  • Posture analysis
  • Range of motion testing
  • Muscle strength evaluations
  • Assessments of ligaments, tendons, and nerves
  • Balance and gait analysis


Following this, your physiotherapist will explain the root cause of your problem and propose a treatment plan. We encourage you to ask questions and fully understand the plan before giving your consent. Our priority is not just to treat you but to educate and involve you in your path to recovery.


Embark on Your Path to Recovery

At Atrium Physiotherapy, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve the kind of physical independence necessary for a normal, active lifestyle. Trust us to be your partners in health, every step of the way. 


Treatment Plans

 Our physiotherapists develop customized treatment plans that help patients take back control. They teach patients how to restore, maintain and/or maximize movement, reduce pain, and manage any chronic symptoms.

 Our physiotherapists excel in the treatment of many conditions: back pain/injury, whiplash, pregnancy-related muscle/joint issues, urinary incontinence and vertigo to name a few. They also help patients manage symptoms of chronic conditions like arthritis and chronic pain.

 Our physiotherapists help patients who may have otherwise tried temporary (e.g., prescription drugs) or more invasive methods (e.g., surgery) to manage their condition. They use individualized therapeutic exercise, manual therapy and other treatment techniques.

 Through physiotherapy, many patients are able to recover unrestricted movement which promotes the kind of physical independence necessary for a normal lifestyle and work. When it comes to assessing and treating people with movement problems, the services of a physiotherapist are often essential.


 On arrival, you may be asked to fill out paperwork or complete medical history forms. Your physiotherapist will then conduct a detailed assessment of your problem or condition. This takes about 30-45 minutes and normally involves:

  • Where you’re having the problem
  • How the problem started
  • How the problem is affecting your ability to do daily activities
  • Your past medical history
  • Any medications you are taking
  • Your physiotherapist may also need to ask additional questions depending on your problem or condition.

A detailed physical examination includes:

  • Checking your posture
  • Examining range of motion
  • Testing muscle strength, ligaments, tendons, and nerves


 Your physiotherapist may also check your balance, walking or how much you can lift or carry. Once the assessment is complete, your physiotherapist will explain what is causing the problem and discuss a physiotherapy treatment program.

 You will then be asked to give consent to the treatment program. Before giving consent, make sure you fully understand the treatment plan. Ask if you need clarification. Your physiotherapist will explain the treatment plan in more detail.

What is Myofascial Trigger Point?

A myofascial trigger point is a hyperirritable spot in a muscle which is located in a taut (tight) band and is painful to touch. This hypersensitive spot or nodule (the “knot”), can give characteristic referred pain, referred tenderness and other referred symptoms in areas other than where the muscle is located. (Travel and Simons in Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual). Janet Travell, MD first described the existence of trigger points in the 1940’s.

Advantages of Dry Needling

The advantages of dry needling over other treatments are that we can treat parts of the muscle, and deeper layers of muscles, which our hands and fingers cannot reach. Also, this method is far superior in achieving a local twitch response over other manual techniques. In addition, there are no drugs used so we can treat many trigger points during each treatment.

How is this different from Traditional Acupuncture?

Dry Needling must not be confused with any type of acupuncture. Whereas acupuncture is founded on Traditional Chinese Medicine (Dry Needling is based on Western anatomical and physiological principles. It is founded by scientific concepts and it continues to evolve using the latest research.

Treatment Approach

Dry Needling is not a stand-alone treatment by itself. It is always done in conjunction with other manual and physical therapy treatments, such as exercises, postural training, education and other hands on techniques like soft tissue work and manipulation. Since full pain free range of motion is the ultimate goal of myofascial treatments, we teach the muscles the right away to work in their newly-gained pain free range to restore their normal function. It is important that you are an active participant in your own treatments and well being. Therefore you must follow through with your home exercise program which we will establish specifically for you.

Treatment Frequency

Typically, we will use Dry Needling once a week to inactivate the trigger points and you will have one or two more treatments that week to work on other aspects of your condition.

There is no specific, predetermined number of treatments for patients with myofascial pain. Chronic conditions will require more treatments than acute conditions. In addition, the amount of treatments will also depend on concurrent other medical conditions, your compliance with the exercises, your age and physical condition.

Side Effects & Risks

 The commonest side effects of FDN include temporary increase in pain which can last from a couple of hours to several days, followed by an expected improvement in the overall pain state. This increase in pain is mainly caused by the “twitching” of the muscles. It is also related to over activity of the shortened muscle bands that have not been released, or sometimes there is a temporarily increased spasm of the treated muscles.

 The most serious risk with FDN is accidental puncture of a lung (pneumothorax). This can only happen if the needle is placed too closed to the chest/lung fields. If this were to occur, it may likely require a chest x-ray and no further treatment. The symptoms of shortness of breath may last for several days to weeks. A more severe puncture can require hospitalization and re-inflation of the lung. This is a rare complication, and in skilled hands it should not be a major concern.

 Other less serious risks include infection and bruising: Any time a needle is used there is a risk of infection. However, your practitioner uses new, disposable and sterile needles, and is trained to the highest level of aseptic skin preparation and needle insertion technique. Therefore, infections are extremely rare. Injury to a blood vessel causing a bruise, and/or nerve injury may also occur. Bruising is a common occurrence and should not be a concern.

Embark on a Path to Relief at Atrium

At Atrium Physiotherapy, we are committed to delivering effective and safe treatments for myofascial pain. Our skilled professionals are here to guide you through each step of your treatment, ensuring a comfortable and successful journey to recovery.


Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine method originated from the traditional Chinese origin. Acupuncture is effective in helping relieve many chronic pain conditions including fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Traditional Chinese medicine has built incredibly thorough and complicated Meridians systems through thousands of years of learning. The acupuncturist inserts needles into these meridians to assist regulate and return the body to equilibrium, or wellbeing.

Through inserting thin needles in multiple points on the skin, we help to correct imbalances of flow at points close to the skin and relieve your pain and stiffness.

Is Acupuncture Painful?

It is a possibility that you might be more sensitive in specific regions, but generally it shouldn’t hurt. In areas with thicker skin and muscles, acupuncture needles are typically not uncomfortable. Your tummy and back, for example, are less sensitive. Certain areas, such as your hands and feet, may be particularly sensitive, because they have more touch sensitivity.


Our physiotherapist always will do their best to make it perfectly comfortable according to each patient but if you are experiencing pain inform your acupuncturist. They’ll tweak the needles or select different points. Their objective is not to inflict misery on you. They put forth a lot of effort to situate you correctly and make you feel at ease.

The Graston Technique

The Graston Technique is a specialized form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) designed to aid in the treatment of various musculoskeletal disorders. This technique uses stainless steel instruments to detect and treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. The core principle behind the Graston Technique involves the application of these instruments to create microtrauma in the affected area, which in turn initiates a targeted inflammatory response.


The goal of this induced inflammation is to restart the body’s natural healing process. By breaking down scar tissue and adhesions, the treatment promotes the restoration of normal tissue structure and function. The microtrauma also stimulates an increase in blood flow and nutrient supply to the injured area, enhancing the healing process and promoting the migration of fibroblasts, which are crucial for tissue repair.


A 2017 study published in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation supports these claims. The study notes that the inflammation triggered by the Graston Technique can effectively remove scar tissue and release adhesions. This process not only alleviates pain and improves mobility but also enhances the overall range of motion in the treated area. The study concludes that this technique can be particularly beneficial for patients with chronic conditions that have not responded to other forms of treatment. 


Practitioners of the Graston Technique are typically trained to identify and target specific areas of dysfunction. The tools used in the treatment vary in shape and size, allowing for precise application to different parts of the body. By integrating this technique into a comprehensive treatment plan, healthcare providers can offer a non-invasive solution that facilitates faster recovery and improved functional outcomes for patients with soft tissue injuries.



The pumping action of the table does two things:

1. As the table pulls on your spine it slowly stretches your spine and increases the space between the two spinal bones (the disc space). This creates a negative pressure or vacuum in the disc which helps to suck the disc back inwards and away from the nerve that is being pinched. Although the amount is very small each treatment, with consecutive treatments it creates more space for the nerve and decreases the size of the disc herniation.

2. Secondly, the pumping action of the table sucks nutrients in and pushes nutrients out creating a nutrient exchange (imbibition). The increased level of nutrients in the disc allows the disc to have the nutrition it needs to speed up the healing process. Because discs don’t have a large blood supply they do not get a lot of nutrients on their own. This is why most people don’t just get better on their own, we typically cause as much damage to our discs in a day as we can heal with the natural imbibition. With spinal decompression we greatly increase the nutrients to the disc which provides the building blocks necessary for discs to heal more rapidly. Studies have shown that the disc space can increase 1-3mm over the treatment cycle that is provided. Although that seems a small amount it can have a large influence on the space needed to get pressure off of the sensitive nerves in the area.

Research on the effectiveness of Spinal Decompression:

A recent clinical study of 219 patients has shown that spinal decompression therapy provided a resolution of symptoms for 86% of the participants who completed their therapy, while 84% remained pain-free 90 days post-treatment.

There are several tables that perform non-surgical decompression of the spine. The following results were obtained from DRS/Inter-Discal Decompression (IDD) therapy, Vertebral-Axial Decompression and non-surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy. Although the concept of non-surgical Spinal Decompression therapy is similar in the DRS/VAX-D, please note that each table is a registered trademark and the following research may be specific to a specific decompression table/protocol employed.

Clinical Trials:

 In a recent journal article in Orthopedic Technology Review titled Surgical Alternatives: Spinal Decompression, results showed that 86% of the 219 patients who completed the therapy reported resolution of symptoms while 84% of patients remained pain free 90 days post treatment. Physical examination findings showed improvement in 92% of the 219 patients, and remained intact in 89% of these patients 90 days after treatment.

Another article in Journal of Neurological Research reported that vertebral axial [spinal] decompression was successful in 71% of the 778 cases”. The success rate varied from 73% for patients with a single herniated disc. It was 72% for people with multiple herniated discs.

The American Journal of Pain Management reported “good to excellent” relief in 86% of patients with herniated discs, with back pain and sciatica symptoms being relieved. Good to excellent results were also obtained in 75% of those with facet syndrome.

 A small non-randomized study in Anesthesiology News reported of the 23 patients who responded to therapy, 52% had a pain level of zero, 91% were able to resume their normal daily activities, and 87% were either working or were retired without having back pain as the cause of retirement.

 In a small study to determine the long-term effects of vertebral axial decompression, the following results were obtained: “Among 23 patients, 71% showed more than 50% reduction in pain immediately after treatment, and 86% showed a 50% or better pain reduction at four years. After four years, 52% of respondents reported a pain level of zero. Thus, pain relief not only improved but lasted. This pilot study shows great promise for long term relief and new pain management techniques.

An interesting study at the Rio Grande Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery compared the effects of 20 treatment sessions vs. 10 treatment sessions on chronic low back pain sufferers. The group receiving 20 treatments of decompression therapy reported a 76.5% with complete remission and 19.6% with partial remission of pain and disability. The second group, receiving 10 treatments of decompression therapy, reported a 42.9% rate of remission and 24.1% with partial remission. Failure rate was only 3.9% for those receiving 20 treatment sessions while it was 32.9% for those receiving only 10 sessions. Remission was defined as 90% or greater relief of pain, back to work without limitations, and abilities to carry out Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s). Partial remission was defined as persistence of some pain but ability to carry out most ADL’s and return to work with some restriction of duties, depending on the occupation. Failure rate was defined as no change in the level of pain and or/ADL.

As you can see from the above referenced Clinical Trials, Spinal Decompression Therapy is an effective therapy for people experiencing Discogenic or Arthritic pain (pain arising from the disc or caused by various types of Spinal Arthritis). In addition, promising research suggests that the effects of Spinal Decompression Therapy can be a long-lasting solution to certain chronic back pain disorders. Although failure rates are relatively low, studies suggest that completion of prescribed treatments can reduce failure rates from 32.9% to 3.9%.

What is Laser Therapy?

At Atrium Physiotherapy, we offer cutting-edge laser therapy, a non-invasive treatment using red and infrared light to alleviate pain, accelerate healing, and reduce inflammation. This innovative technology involves applying a light source to the skin, allowing photons to penetrate deep into the tissue and reach the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell.

Unlike many pharmacological treatments that mask pain or only address the symptoms of disease, Laser Therapy treats the underlying condition or pathology to promote healing. This means that the treatments are effective and the benefits of Laser Therapy are long lasting.

The BioFlex Laser Therapy offers the highest clinical success rates with predictable, reliable and reproducible results

What is the effect of Laser Therapy

DNA Synthesis The protein building block essential to the process of cell regeneration

Collagen Production Increases tensile strength of muscles, tendons and ligaments

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) The fuel of the cell required to facilitate cell metabolism

Endorphins Morphine like substances produced by the body to reduce the sensation of pain

Modulation of cellular components involved in the healing process i.e. macrophages, fibroblasts, lymphocytes, etc.

Other Benefits are:

  • The immune response is stimulated

  • Lymphatic drainage is improved

  • The histamine response is positively altered

  • Production of growth hormone is increased

  • The body’s natural healing processes are enhanced

  • The formation of new capillaries and arterioles resulting in improved wound healing


The Advantages Of Low Intensity Laser Therapy

  • Non-invasive
  • Non-toxic
  • Easily applied
  • No known negative side effects (angiogenesis)

What are the Clinical Benefits of Laser Therapy?


  • Highly effective for many disease conditions
  • Eliminates pain
  • Reduces the need for pharmaceuticals
  • Restores normal range of motion and physical function
  • No known adverse effects
  • No drug interactions
  • Often makes surgical interventions unnecessary
  • Provides a treatment alternative for patients that have not responded to conventional therapies


Conditions Treated

  • Repetitive Stress Injury
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Rotator Cuff Tear
  • Epicondylitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
  • Temporo-mandibular Joint Dysfunction
  • Whiplash Injuries
  • Dupuytren’s Contracture


  • Ligament and Tendon Tears
  • Fractures with associated Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Facet Joint Syndrome
  • Bulging and Herniated Discs
  • Contusions


  • Tendonitis
  • Myositis
  • Synovitis
  • Bursitis
  • Plantar Fasciitis

    Rheumatoid Arthritis


  • Osteoarthritis
  • Chondromalacia Patella
  • Discogenic and Vertebrogenic Radiculopathy
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Calcifications (e.g. bone spurs)

Other Applications


Dermal Ulcers

  • Venous stasis
  • Atherosclerotic
  • Contact
  • Diabetic
  • Traumatic


  • Herpes Zoster (shingles)
  • Eczemas
  • Psoriasis
  • Acne
  • Acne rosacea


  • Thermal
  • Chemical
  • Gout / Arthritis
  • Lymphedema


  • Neuropathies
  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Peripheral nerve damage (trauma, etc.)
  • Remodeling of dermal lesions (keloid scars, etc.)

Start Your Journey to Recovery

If you’re suffering from pain, inflammation, or looking for a rapid recovery solution, laser therapy at Atrium Physiotherapy might be the answer. Contact us to learn more about this innovative treatment or to schedule a consultation. Let us help you on your path to pain-free living and optimal health.

What is KT Tape®?

At Atrium Physiotherapy, we’re proud to offer KT Tape®, an advanced therapeutic tool designed to support your active lifestyle while recovering from injuries. KT Tape® is a specialized tape applied along muscles, ligaments, and tendons, providing a lightweight and external support system. It’s engineered to help you maintain activity and movement during the healing process.

How Does KT Tape® Work?

When your body experiences injury, whether through impact or overuse, lymphatic fluid often accumulates, leading to inflammation, swelling, and discomfort. KT Tape® works innovatively by lifting the skin when applied correctly. This action decompresses the layers of fascia — the connective tissue surrounding muscles, nerves, and blood vessels — enhancing the movement of lymphatic fluid. This fluid is crucial as it transports white blood cells throughout the body and aids in the removal of waste products, cellular debris, and bacteria.

The Benefits of KT Tape®

  • Pain Relief: By alleviating pressure on affected areas, KT Tape® helps reduce pain.

  • Reduced Swelling and Inflammation: The tape improves lymphatic drainage, diminishing swelling and inflammation.

  • Supports Injured Muscles and Joints: It provides support without restricting the range of motion, making it ideal for active recovery.

  • Enhances Performance: Athletes often use KT Tape® to prevent injury and improve their performance.

Versatile and Effective

KT Tape® is beneficial for a variety of injuries and is frequently used by athletes and individuals dealing with musculoskeletal injuries. It is versatile enough to be used for common issues like sprains, muscle strains, and tendonitis, as well as more chronic conditions.

Tailored Application for Optimal Results

Our expert therapists at Atrium Physiotherapy are skilled in the correct application of KT Tape® to ensure you receive the maximum benefits. We assess your specific condition and apply the tape in a way that best supports your recovery process.

Join Us on the Path to Recovery

If you’re seeking an effective, non-invasive way to support your body’s healing process while staying active, KT Tape® at Atrium Physiotherapy could be the ideal solution. Contact us to learn more or to schedule an appointment for a personalized KT Tape® application.


At Atrium Physiotherapy, our Registered Massage Therapists offer expert massage therapy, a hands-on treatment focusing on your body’s soft tissues. Our therapeutic massage targets muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and joints, employing various degrees of pressure and movement to alleviate pain and tension. When applied soon after trauma or injury, massage therapy can significantly prevent the onset of painful muscular patterns.

More Than Relaxation

Massage Therapy is more than a period of relaxation, the therapeutic message helps diminish physical problems caused by stress, back pain, loss of energy, insomnia, etc. Massage can bring physical, mental and emotional changes. The benefits can vary from individual to individual.


Physical Benefits:

  • Relaxes the body
  • Calms nervous system
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces heart rate
  • Slows respiration
  • Loosens tight muscles
  • Reduces chronic pain

Mental Benefits:

  • Reduces mental stress
  • Calms nervous system
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Calms a bad temper
  • Induces mental relaxation
  • Improves concentration

Emotional Benefits:

  • Reduces anxiety
  • Enhances self-image
  • Provides a feeling of well-being

Regular Sports Massage Can Assist:

  • Loosen and lengthen tight muscles
  • Mobilize stiff joints
  • Enhance healing & reduce discomfort associated with recovery from training
  • Shorten recovery time after training or competition
  • Improve performance and power
  • Increase supply of nutrients and oxygen to hard working tissues
  • Enhance removal of metabolic waste produced from exercise
  • Identify problem areas to help reduce the chance of injury and/or time off training
  • Support the immune system, which can be weakened from intense exercise and stress


Your Path to Well-being

Whether you’re seeking relief from physical discomfort, mental stress, or looking to enhance your athletic performance, our massage therapy services at Atrium Physiotherapy are tailored to meet your unique needs. Experience the transformative effects of our specialized massage treatments and embark on your journey to holistic well-being.

An Ancient Practice for Modern Healing

At Atrium Physiotherapy, we offer Cupping Therapy, an ancient form of alternative medicine that has stood the test of time due to its effectiveness. This unique treatment involves placing special cups on the skin to create suction. It’s more than just a traditional remedy; it’s a comprehensive approach to health and well-being.

Why Choose Cupping Therapy?

Cupping Therapy is sought after for various reasons. It’s an excellent option for those looking to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and improve blood flow. Beyond physical health, this therapy is a pathway to relaxation and overall well-being. It’s also recognized as a form of deep-tissue massage, making it a favorite among those seeking both therapeutic and relaxation benefits.

Benefits of Cupping Therapy

  • Pain Relief: Effective in reducing pain in muscles and joints.

  • Anti-Inflammatory: Helps in reducing inflammation and promoting healing.

  • Improved Blood Flow: Enhances circulation, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to tissues.

  • Relaxation: Offers a calming effect on the nervous system.

  • Well-being: Promotes a sense of physical and mental balance.

  • Deep-Tissue Massage: Works as a non-invasive deep-tissue therapy.

A Holistic Approach to Your Health

Cupping Therapy at Atrium Physiotherapy is not just a treatment; it’s a holistic experience. We believe in the power of ancient practices combined with modern understanding to bring about the best outcomes for our patients. Whether you are dealing with chronic pain, seeking relaxation, or looking for a boost in your overall health, our Cupping Therapy could be your answer.

Join Us on Your Journey to Wellness

Experience the unique benefits of Cupping Therapy at Atrium Physiotherapy. Our skilled therapists are trained in this ancient technique and are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and well-being. Contact us to learn more about this therapeutic service or to book your Cupping Therapy session.

Treatment Plans

 Our physiotherapists develop customized treatment plans that help patients take back control. They teach patients how to restore, maintain and/or maximize movement, reduce pain, and manage any chronic symptoms.

 Our physiotherapists excel in the treatment of many conditions: back pain/injury, whiplash, pregnancy-related muscle/joint issues, urinary incontinence and vertigo to name a few. They also help patients manage symptoms of chronic conditions like arthritis and chronic pain.

 Our physiotherapists help patients who may have otherwise tried temporary (e.g., prescription drugs) or more invasive methods (e.g., surgery) to manage their condition. They use individualized therapeutic exercise, manual therapy and other treatment techniques.

 Through physiotherapy, many patients are able to recover unrestricted movement which promotes the kind of physical independence necessary for a normal lifestyle and work. When it comes to assessing and treating people with movement problems, the services of a physiotherapist are often essential.

A Fusion of Heat and Touch for Deep Healing

At Atrium Physiotherapy, we offer Hot Stone Massage, a therapy that combines the therapeutic benefits of heat with traditional massage techniques. This treatment not only provides deep relaxation but also offers significant healing benefits.

The Power of Hot Stones

The use of smooth, heated stones in massage therapy is more than just a luxurious experience. The hot stones, typically made of basalt—a volcanic rock known for heat retention—are placed on specific parts of the body. Heated to an optimum temperature of 130 to 145 degrees, these stones expand blood vessels, enhancing blood flow throughout the body. This increased circulation aids in healing sore, tense muscles and damaged soft tissues.

Benefits of Hot Stone Massage

  • Deep Muscle Relaxation: The heat from the stones penetrates deeper muscle layers, providing a soothing effect.

  • Pain Relief: Effective in relieving chronic pain by reducing muscle tension.

  • Stress Reduction: The warmth and massage combination offers a tranquilizing effect, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

  • Improved Circulation: Encourages better blood flow, aiding in bodily detoxification and healing.

  • Sedative Effect: Helps in promoting deep relaxation and well-being.

Who Can Benefit?

Hot Stone Massage is ideal for individuals looking to relieve muscle stiffness, reduce stress, and achieve a state of deep relaxation. It’s also beneficial for those with chronic pain conditions, seeking a gentle yet effective therapy.

Your Relaxing Retreat

At Atrium Physiotherapy, we ensure that every Hot Stone Massage session is a serene and restorative experience. Our skilled therapists are trained in the art of hot stone therapy, combining it with full-body massage techniques to provide a holistic healing experience.

Embark on a Journey to Tranquility

If you’re seeking an escape from the stresses of daily life, or if you need relief from chronic pain and muscle tension, our Hot Stone Massage at Atrium Physiotherapy is a perfect choice. Contact us to learn more about this soothing treatment or to schedule your session of deep relaxation and healing.

Personalized Support for Your Feet


At Atrium Physiotherapy, we understand the importance of foot health and its impact on overall well-being. That’s why we offer Custom Crafted Orthotics, designed to provide optimal support and correct biomechanical function of your feet during all weight-bearing activities like walking, running, and standing.

What are Orthotics?


Orthotics are supportive devices placed inside your footwear. They are not just any insoles; they are precision-engineered to change the mechanical function of your foot. Our orthotics are custom-made and calibrated to flex according to your weight and foot type, ensuring full, corrected arch contact. This customization allows your foot to function in a biomechanically correct way.

Enjoy Your Favorite Footwear without Pain

With our Custom Crafted Orthotics, you don’t have to compromise on style for comfort. Whether it’s your favorite running shoes, ski boots, hiking boots, or even your stylish dress shoes, our orthotics can be tailored to fit seamlessly into your preferred footwear. They are designed to be versatile, fitting a wide range of shoe types including:

  • Running shoes
  • Ski boots
  • Hiking boots
  • Cycling shoes
  • Sports cleats
  • Skates
  • Golf shoes
  • Dancing shoes
  • Crocs
  • Dansko clogs
  • Men’s and Ladies dress shoes

Wear your favorite shoes and boots while you relieve your foot, knee and lower back pain. Imagine a custom made orthotic to meet all of your lifestyle needs.

Benefits of Orthotics:

  • Relief from foot, knee, hip and back pain
  • Improved posture
  • Reduced muscle fatigue
  • Improved gait
  • Traumatic

How to sustain neck trauma?

 It is easy to sustain neck trauma is when one car collides into another. The passenger in the automobile has their neck jerked back quickly resulting in an injury we know as whiplash.

Whiplash can include: strained muscles and/or ligaments. This kind of neck injury is often associated with tension type headaches and head pain as a result of cervical dysfunction.

Other symptoms of whiplash include: nausea, arm and shoulder pain, and tingling in the hands and fingers. After you’ve been injured in a crash, it’s vital to get physiotherapy evaluation as quickly as possible. Many times, the effects of an auto injury are delayed or subtle. Seek medical advice as quickly as possible to rule out any serious injury, and to ensure you are adequately treated.

If you think you may suffer from whiplash injury, please contact our office to schedule an appointment with one of our Our physiotherapists today. Proper management is critical in the recovery from whiplash injuries and to prevent future damage. We will gladly answer any of your questions and provide you with the best treatment options available to you.

Our Clinic reputation has been built on successfully returning hundreds of MVA patients back to pre-accident function. Our physiotherapist works to expedite your recovery through a closely monitored program that is optimal for you.

How to get started your MVA claim:

  • Report your auto injury to your auto insurer.

  • Meet your family doctor and tell him/her that your injury is due to a car accident, your doctor may send you for diagnostic investigation if needed( X-Rays or MRI ), and may prescribe medication to manage your pain and stiffness.

  • Call the claims department, find our who is your adjuster and report that you are injured.

  • Complete the necessary forms as quickly as possible as required by your insurance company (you have 10 days from the date of the accident to fill the forms and send it out ).

  • Book an appointment with our physiotherapist for an initial consultation, discuss therapy options, begin treatment immediately.

  • If you still have questions, or not sure what to do, you are one phone call away 403.255.4461


What Are The Benefits?

  • Relieve Your Pain
  • Improve Your Functional Abilities
  • Coordinate Your Early Return to Work
  • Provide Ergonomic Advice


Whether you are a health care worker with a bad back or a factory worker with a shoulder or neck problem, Atrium Physiotherapy clinic will help treat your injuries effectively.

How to Get Started with WCB

First: Learn more about WCB and how it works here
Second: Follow the steps below.

  • Report your workplace injury claim to your employer or first aid attendant immediately. Your employer needs to fill out the appropriate workplace injury incident report.

  • Meet your family doctor and tell him/her that your injury is work related. Your doctor needs to fill out the appropriate paperwork.

  • You will receive paperwork from WCB/WSIB in the mail within several days. If you do not, call them to check the status of the claim, (866) 922 9221.

  • Book an appointment with our physiotherapist for an initial consultation.

We team up with your doctor, and your adjuster to make sure you get all of the treatment you need.

WCB will pay you for your physiotherapy assessment to help you recover from your workplace injury. When your claim is accepted, WCB will cover a pre-determined number of physiotherapy visits, often at no cost to you.

You have more questions about Your Workplace Injury Claim? Call us today at 403.255.4461 to book an appointment.

How Does ART Help?

ART can be used to treat pain and other symptoms caused by injury or damage to:

  • Fascia. This is fibrous connective tissue that protects and supports muscles and organs throughout your body. Inflammation across a band of fascia tissue can cause extreme pain and stiffness. Plantar fasciitis is a common fascia tissue condition.

  • Major muscle groups. Strains and pulls from overuse or trauma can affect any of your major muscle groups. This includes muscles in your neck and shoulders, back, and hamstrings.

  • Tendons and ligaments. Tendons connect muscles to bone and ligaments connect bone to bone. Injury to either can cause pain and decrease range of motion.

 What conditions are treated?

  • Lower back pain
  • Chronic neck pain
  • Tension headaches
  • Shoulder strains, including frozen shoulder
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Shin splints
  • Sciatic nerve pain
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Bursitis
  • Tennis elbow

Vestibular Rehabilitation: Navigating Balance and Dizziness

The brain uses inputs from the vestibular system, visual system and your muscles and joints to maintain your balance, orientation, and the ability to see clearly when you move.

 Causes and symptoms of dizziness and balance issues:

Vestibular issues can result from a variety of problems, including inner ear issues and infections, jaw injuries, neck or head trauma, infection, inflammation and certain brain-related issues, and diseases.

Problems in any part of this complex system can result in dizziness, vertigo, unsteadiness and visual issues and associated nausea, vomiting, headaches, fatigue and poor concentration.

How does vestibular rehabilitation work?

Vestibular rehabilitation is a research-based therapy that is proven to be effective for many different dizziness and balance conditions.

We will help you learn about your condition and develop a customized treatment plan to maximize your body’s ability to reduce or eliminate symptoms. This may involve a combination of in-clinic sessions and techniques prescribed for you to work on at home.

Treatments may include maneuvers to correct vertigo, techniques to help reduce or eliminate symptoms and improve focus while moving, balance training, hands-on treatments, diet, lifestyle and at-home exercises.

At your initial appointment the therapist will discuss any medical history that relates to your condition, so please bring details of any health problems and past treatments. Our therapists will perform a thorough assessment to determine causes and contributing factors to your condition. Assessment findings and how the vestibular system works will be explained and a treatment plan will be recommended, if indicated. Your therapist will also explain when you can expect to see results.

You will then be asked to give consent to the treatment program. Before giving consent, make sure you fully understand the treatment plan. Ask if you need clarification. Your physiotherapist will explain the treatment plan in more detail.

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy: Understanding Its Process and Benefits

For other women, their pelvic floor muscles may be overactive; that is, they can switch on involuntarily when they should be relaxing. These women need to learn to release their muscles. Overactivity can cause difficulty with having sex, emptying the bladder or bowels or using tampons.

This could include exercises, biofeedback (electronic monitoring), and manual treatment of the muscles. Advice about daily activities and fitness, as well as good bladder and bowel habits, will be given. Functional training of the pelvic floor gets your muscles back working effectively when you need them.

There is good evidence that shows that pelvic floor physiotherapy can help with urinary incontinence and prolapse and can lessen the effects of childbirth and menopause on the pelvic floor, says Jean Hailes pelvic floor physiotherapist Janetta Webb. A pelvic floor physiotherapist is an important part of the multi-disciplinary team managing bladder and bowel health, sexual difficulties and pelvic pain. Women should not have to put up with incontinence, pelvic pain or discomfort.


SWT has been available in Canada since the mid-90s but has recently been popularized with the advent of low energy SWT. SWT is an intervention that stimulates the body’s natural healing process. Additionally, SWT has been shown to directly affect local nerve endings, resulting in decreased pain. It is important to understand the difference between low-energy and high-energy SWT when considering whether you are an appropriate candidate for SWT and which type of SWT is most likely to yield positive results in treating your condition.

Shockwave Energies

High energy SWT or “true” shockwaves are classified as short duration (approx. 10 msec) high energy pulses (5-100MPa) that break the sound barrier resulting in a shockwave. Our high-energy shockwave technology allows the shockwave to be focused directly through the affected tissue resulting in several effects:

  • Mechanical pressure and tension forces on the tissue have been shown to increase cell membrane permeability, thereby increasing microscopic circulation and metabolism within the treated area. This promotes healing and may result in the dissolution of calcific deposits.


  • The pressure front creates behind it a “cavitation bubble” which are small empty cavities created behind a pressure front. When the bubbles collapse they create a resultant force that has a mechanical impact on the treated tissue. This force helps to break down calcific deposits embedded in damaged tissue.

  • Shockwaves stimulate osteoblasts that are cells responsible for bone healing and new bone production.

  • Shockwaves stimulate fibroblasts that are cells responsible for healing of connective tissue such as tendons

  • Diminishes pain by two mechanisms. Hyperstimulation anesthesia – local nerve endings are overwhelmed with so many stimuli that their activity diminishes resulting in short-term reduction in pain. Gate-control mechanism – whereby local nerves are stimulated to recalibrate perception of pain and result in longer-term reduction in pain.